Continuously consider new data to improve our impact on patient health

Our ambition is to advance research and contribute to the development of new, innovative and effective cancer therapies. To help better understand and treat cancer, we are progressively considering new structured health data sets within our Health Data Warehouse.

  • Oncology telemonitoring software are considered medical devices.
  • As such, they must continually demonstrate their reliability, their clinical impact and their organizational claims.
Market access
  • In France, access to the market for remote monitoring solutions in oncology has been made possible by the inclusion of remote monitoring in common law.
  • To obtain this reimbursement, we have to demonstrate to the HAS that we maintain clinical and organizational benefits through clinical studies and real-life data.
The scientific community
  • An aim to advance cancer research with new standards based on ePROs (electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes) questionnaires.
  • Precise understanding of each patient using clinical, biological and behavioral data.
Developing our remote monitoring solution
  • Provide better quality of life, adherence to treatment and overall survival for all patients.
  • Offer users better suited and personalized support as well as more human support.
Helping to build a more efficient and appropriate healthcare system
  • In France, remote cancer monitoring solutions have been able to access the market through the integration of telemonitoring into public services.
  • For this solution to be reimbursed, we must demonstrate to the French Health Authority (HAS) that it has continued clinical and organizational benefits, through clinical studies and real-world data.
Driving cancer research
  • Furthering scientific discoveries and driving new standards based on ePRO (Patient Reported Outcome) questionnaires
  • Precise understanding of each patient thanks to clinical, biological and behavioral data

Proving our impact and contributing to medical research

We want to evaluate our solution through clinical trials, and scientifically demonstrate its benefits on patient quality of life and treatment adherence. We work with cancer research institutes, healthcare institutions and scientists for this purpose.


Optimizing of surgical care pathway for kidney tumors by digitizing peri-operative nursing coordination

Patients concerned
792 patients undergoing scheduled total or partial nephrectomy for kidney tumours
25 month

To evaluate the effectiveness of digitizing perioperative nursing coordination on the use of unscheduled care (RSNP) during the month following nephrectomy for kidney tumor.

Healthcare facilities concerned

Bordeaux University Hospital

Caen University Hospital

CHU Rennes

Strasbourg University Hospital

Toulouse University Hospital

APHP Henri Mondor

CHU Angers

APHM Conception Hospital

Medipole Cabestany

CH Mont de Marsan

CHU Nîmes

Principal investigators

Prof. Jean-Christophe BERNHARD

Department of Urological Surgery and Renal Transplantation



Odyssea personalized approach: randomized Phase II study to determine the effectiveness of a personalized approach in improving quality of life in patients receiving adjuvant hormone therapy for early-stage breast cancer.

Patients concerned
180 hormone receptor-positive (HR+) early breast cancer patients with significant adverse events (G2 or higher, NCI CTCAE ) related to endocrine therapy, eligible for adjuvant treatment with endocrine therapy (tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor).
20 month

The main objective of OPERA is to determine the effectiveness of a personalized approach, consisting of a multi-component, multi-level interventional application (first module), compared with standard care, in improving quality of life (QOL) after 12 weeks.

Healthcare facilities concerned

Gustave Roussy Institute

Léon Bérard Centre

Center Georges François Leclerc

Center François Baclesse

Principal investigators


Breast cancer treatment service

Gustave Roussy

Resilience Care_102

Assessing the clinical and organizational impact of remote patient monitoring during cancer treatment

Patients concerned
457 cancer patients undergoing treatment and remotely monitored by the Resilience RPM system.
30 month

To study the impact of the Resilience RPM system on clinical outcomes, healthcare resource utilization, costs and the experience of patients diagnosed with cancer and receiving active treatment.

Healthcare facilities concerned

> 15 centers

Principal investigators


Breast cancer treatment service

Gustave Roussy


STEpwise research program to promote INGeniouS online support solutions for the relief of cancer-related fatigue

Patients concerned
372 patients (in active treatment and survivors) with any type of cancer and reporting moderate to severe fatigue for at least one week.
30 month

The main objective of SteppingSTONE is to compare the effectiveness of three different modalities of digital assistance (educational material; educational material plus self-management program - self-administered; educational material plus self-management program - therapist-guided) in reducing the perceived burden of CRF.

Healthcare facilities concerned

Gustave Roussy

Bordeaux University Hospital

Institut Bergonié

Principal investigators


Gustave Roussy

Groupe de Recherche sur la Survie du Cancer du Sein (Breast Cancer Survival Research Group)

INSERM Unit 981


Digital remote monitoring plus usual care versus usual care in patients treated with oral anticancer agents: the randomized phase 3 CAPRI trial

Available on
Nature Medicine

The aim of this study (Impact of a Monitoring Device for Patients With Cancer Treated Using Oral Therapeutics; CAPRI) was to evaluate an intervention combining nurse navigator monitoring and a mobile app for patients receiving oral anticancer agents in addition to usual care, designed to simultaneously pursue three dimensions: improving the patient experience of care; improving the health of the target population; and reducing the per capita cost of healthcare.


Olivier Mir, Marie Ferrua, Aude Fourcade, Delphine Mathivon, Adeline Duflot-Boukobza, Sarah Dumont, Eric Baudin, Suzette Delaloge, David Malka, Laurence Albiges, Patricia Pautier, Caroline Robert, David Planchard, Stéphane de Botton, Florian Scotté, François Lemare, May Abbas, Marilène Guillet, Vanessa Puglisi, Mario Di Palma & Etienne Minvielle


Implementing a PROACTive care pathway to Empower and Support Survivors of Breast Cancer

Available on
JCO Oncology Practice

Optimal and comprehensive survivorship care, beyond screening for recurrence and new cancers, and including health promotion, management of physical and psychosocial needs and chronic disease, is insufficiently delivered. To increase patient empowerment and maximize the uptake of multidisciplinary supportive care strategies to serve all survivorship needs, we implemented a proactive survivorship care pathway for patients with early breast cancer at the end of primary treatment phase (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy).


Maria Alice Franzoi, Lena Degousée, Elise Martin, Patricia Miguel Semedo, Marion Aupomerol, Davide Soldato, Antonio Di Meglio, Camila Chiodi, Aude Barbier, Hajer Chaouachi, Nathalie Renvoisé, Diane Boinon, Léonor Fasse, Joana Ribeiro, Jean Bernard Le-Provost, Johanna Arvis, Céline Lazorthes, Mario di Palma, Anne de Jesus, Bruno Raynard, Arnaud Pagès, Suzette Delaloge, Barbara Pistilli, Florian Scotté, and Ines Vaz-Luis


Digital transformation of perioperative protocols coordinated by the renal surgery nurse for improved recovery and ambulatory surgery using the UroConnect® application.

Available on
Progress in Urology

Robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN) is a standard of care for localized renal tumors. It provides good carcinological control while limiting complications. Despite its many advantages, the economic viability of robotic assistance remains a challenge in the French healthcare system. With the aim of improving the efficiency of nursing care within these protocols, we have set up digitalized nurse coordination by developing a urological perioperative application: UroConnect®. This device is offered to patients by nurse coordinators during a preoperative visit.


G.Margue, E.Callede, S.Ricard, F.Picard, C.Dubernet, G.Robert, F.Bladou, J.C.Bernhard.

The Resilience Health Data Warehouse

Resilience was authorized to set up its Health Data Warehouse by CNIL deliberation no. 2022-049 on April 21, 2022. Intended to be used for research, studies or evaluations in the healthcare field, this database enables us to face three major challenges:

Developing our remote monitoring solution

Thanks to the non-nominative data collected from our partner establishments, we are constantly improving our solution. To meet the needs of caregivers, we regularly develop new functionalities to predict side effects and relapses.

Helping to build a more efficient and appropriate healthcare system

Real-life data collected from our users will enable us to evaluate and study the impact of our remote monitoring solution on the organization of care, as well as its adoption by patients and healthcare professionals.

Driving cancer research

Collecting and analyzing precise data on the efficacy and toxicity of routine treatments will enable us to better detect and prevent unusual events affecting patients' health. Because of this, Resilience will contribute to defining new ways of treating patients and personalizing their care. Our scientific committee will be consulted on the relevance of each research project carried out within the framework of this Health Data Warehouse.

Developing our remote monitoring solution

Thanks to the anonymized data collected from our partner establishments, we are constantly improving our solution. To meet the needs of healthcare professionals, we regularly develop new functionalities to predict side effects and relapses.

Helping to build a more efficient and appropriate healthcare system

Real-life data collected from our users will enable us to evaluate and study the impact of our remote monitoring solution on the organization of care, as well as its use by patients and caregovers.

Driving cancer research
  • Offer personalized care to each patient and provide the right treatment at the right time.
  • Understand the need of each patient using collected clinical, biological and behavioral data.
The medical team behind clinical research at Resilience

Elodie, Fanny, Arlindo, Maximilien, Carlota: they are oncologists, psychiatrists, pharmacists or researchers. They work every day to study and understand the impact of Resilience on patients and healthcare professionals.

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